Using or not using anti-inflammatory drugs against Covid-19: Timeline
Volume 4 ; Issue 2 ; in Month : July-Dec (2020) Article No : 144
Lardizábal-Gutierrez D, Estrada-Guel I, Paraguay-
There is great controversy about the use and non-use of anti-inflammatories during the COVID19 epidemic. From the beginning, the information that has been circulating worldwide presents contradictions. The information from the world health organization (WHO), which presents contradictions on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, is followed up. The seriousness of these indecisions and their consequences are discussed. It is shown that, due to the indifference to attack this disease in its initial stage, by giving patients only painkillers that mask the advance of COVID-19; by making the patient think that he is healing when in fact his illness is worsening. We include a timeline where the opinions and clinical studies on this subject are observed. Including recent favourable results with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.
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